Training Services For Certifications & More
Following is a list of training services offered by Goldstar K9 Academy, LLC:
Private Lessons
Board and Train
Service Dog Training
Puppy Boot Camp

Behavior Modifications
Canine Good Citizen Certification
Therapy Dog Certification
Rattlesnake Avoidance
Private lessons
2020 Training
Focus Training (in kennel)
Service Dog Training
Puppy Preschool
Behavioral Medications
Canine Good Citizen Certification
Therapy Dog Certification
Rattlesnake Avoidance
PRIVATE LESSONS - We come to you! Private lessons are one hour in length and continue for six weeks, once per week. The trainers will show your dog the basics and teach you the techniques to practice and reinforce the new behaviors. During your sessions your dog will learn general obedience, manners and potty training. Nuisance behaviors such as barking, jumping, chewing and digging will be addressed.
PUPPY PRIVATES - This package includes six sessions. We come to your house and teach you how to integrate your new family member into your house. Our trainers teach basic obedience such as, sit down, stay, come, heel place and boundaries.
PADDLE BOARDING - This is offered to the dog that has a basic foundation. He or she must know place, sit, down and stay - four classes.
SERVICE DOG Training - For qualified dogs only.
Assess: Let us assess your needs and identify the type of dog we think would best suit your individual lifestyle. We have trained a wide spectrum of service dogs, from seizure response/alert dogs to dogs providing support for people with mobility impairments. We also offer training for emotional support dogs and therapy dogs.
Evaluate: Whether you are looking to adopt a dog or train a family pet for the purpose of service work, we can schedule an in-depth evaluation and provide our recommendations. It’s true that not every dog is cut out to be a service dog, but many dogs do actually have what it takes (even if you cannot see it now).
Train: We will customize a training plan that will suit your lifestyle and budget and get you moving forward on the path to greater mobility or freedom.
Did you know that many insurance companies will pay some or all of the costs of service dogs? Call your insurance carrier to inquire about their policy.
FOCUSED TRAINING - Perfect for the busy professional or busy family and are serious about results! Your dog will master obedience commands (come, sit, down, stay, place and boundaries). Goldstar K9 Academy, LLC trainers focus on obedience with distraction, meaning your puppy or dog will learn how to focus in all kinds of different real life situations. In addition Redefined trainers will address aggression, fearfulness, and other undesirable issues. Most importantly, we will train you to transfer and maximize your dogs training!